At AOM Air Ambulance we comply with the highest international standards in Critical Care Advanced Life support and flight safety. The accreditations and ratings that we earned are the stamps of quality of our services.
AOM Air Ambulance is the preferred provider of the International Assistance Group
The international Assistant Group is a unique network of independent insurance and assistance companies and health care providers around the world. AOM Air Ambulance was evaluated and earned the valued status as an IAG Preferred Provider within our region.

AOM Air Ambulance achieves primary EURAMI Accreditation
In July 2021 AOM Air Ambulance passed for the first time the EURAMI accreditation audit according to the new quality standards showing proof that AOM Air Ambulance has one of the best air ambulance setups worldwide.

AOM Air Ambulance is the preferred provider of the International Assistance Group

The international Assistant Group is a unique network of independent insurance and assistance companies and health care providers around the world. AOM Air Ambulance was evaluated and earned the valued status as an IAG Preferred Provider within our region.
AOM Air Ambulance achieves primary EURAMI Accreditation

En juillet 2021, AOM Air Ambulance a passé pour la première fois l’audit d’accréditation EURAMI selon les nouvelles normes de qualité, prouvant ainsi qu’ AOM Air Ambulance possède l’une des meilleures installations d’ambulance aérienne au monde.